We provide a whole range of deflector boxes from the more common 27℃ and 90℃ deflector boxes to specialized "dog leg" configurations.
What sets our deflectors apart from the rest is the longevity we can achieve thanks to the high tensile build of the deflector body & the low wearing long lasting duroBlock. The duroBlock can achieve 5x the life of standard bisalloy or ceramic wear blocks, if not more.
We also manufacture hard pipe extension tubes for hard plumbing, hose tails, knock on nuts & weld on mushrooms.
Our Deflectors are manufactured in Australia, assuring a quality product and quality service.
Rocksmith can supply to just about anywhere in the world - If you need it, we'll get it there!
Phone 1800 999 893
Offices in Melbourne & Perth
PO Box 63, Moorabbin VIC 3189